
St. Andre Bessette

St. André Bessette (9 August 1845 – 6 January 1937), more commonly known as Brother André, and since his canonization as Saint André of Montreal, was a lay brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross and a significant figure of the Catholic Church among French-Canadians, credited with thousands of reported miraculous oil healings associated with […]

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St. Anterus

St. Pope Anterus was the bishop of Rome from 21 November 235 until his death on 3 January 236. He succeeded Pope Pontian, who had been deported from Rome to Sardinia, along with the antipope Hippolytus. Some scholars believe Anterus was martyred, because he ordered greater strictness in searching into the acts of the martyrs,

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Sts. Basil The Great And Gregory Nazianzus

St Basil the Great (329-379) and St Gregory of Nazianzen (330-390), Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Saint Basil was an influential theologian who supported the Nicene Creed and opposed the heresies of the early Christian church, fighting against both Arianism and the followers of Apollinaris of Laodicea. His ability to balance his theological convictions

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