Bl. Edward Joannes Maria Poppe

Bl. Edward Poppe (18 December 1890 – 10 June 1924), was a Catholic priest from Belgium and a fervent promoter of the Eucharistic devotion and the apostolate of the laity. Ordained in 1916, he served as a parish priest and became known for his zealous preaching, emphasizing the importance of personal holiness and active participation in the Church’s mission. Blessed Edward Poppe had a deep love for the Eucharist and encouraged frequent Communion, adoration, and a life of prayer centered on the presence of Christ. He recognized the potential of the laity in spreading the Gospel and founded the Eucharistic League and the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, dedicated to the apostolate of the laity and the sanctification of family life. Blessed Edward Poppe was also a strong critic of Marxism and materialism as well as rampant secularism in his region. He tirelessly advocated for social justice and cared for the poor and marginalized. He died in 1924 at the age of 33, and his cause for canonization is underway.


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