Bl. Maddalena Panattieri

Blessed Maddalena Panattieri (1443 – 13 October 1503), was an Italian Dominican nun and mystic. She lived during the Renaissance period and is known for her devout spirituality and piety. Maddalena experienced mystical visions and ecstasies from a young age, which she documented in her writings. Her profound devotion to Christ and her contemplative prayer life inspired others to deepen their faith. She became a Dominican tertiary and spent her life in prayer, penance, and service to the poor and sick. Maddalena’s reputation for holiness and wisdom attracted many seekers of spiritual guidance. Her feast day is celebrated on October 13th, and she is remembered as a blessed figure in the Catholic Church, revered for her mystical experiences and her dedication to a life of prayer and charity during a transformative period in European history.


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