St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

Saint Alphonsus Rodríguez (25 July 1532 – 31 October 1617), was a Spanish Jesuit brother known for his remarkable life of humility and service. Initially, he aspired to become a Jesuit priest but was discouraged due to his lack of education. Instead, he embraced the role of a humble lay brother, serving the Jesuit community in various capacities. Saint Alphonsus is particularly renowned for his dedication to spiritual direction and guidance, offering counsel to countless individuals who sought his wisdom and insight. He is also recognized for his gift of prophecy and the miraculous events associated with his life, such as bi-location and revelations. His feast day is celebrated on October 31st, and he is remembered as a model of simplicity, service, and deep spiritual insight, inspiring many to seek a life of holiness and devotion.


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