St. Ignatius Of Loyola

Saint Ignatius of Loyola (c. 23 October 1491 – 31 July 1556), was a Spanish priest and theologian, the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and a key figure in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. After a profound spiritual conversion, Ignatius dedicated himself to the service of God and the Church. He developed a spirituality centered on self-examination, discernment, and surrender to God’s will. Ignatius wrote the influential spiritual text “The Spiritual Exercises,” which provides guidance for deepening one’s relationship with God. The Jesuits, under Ignatius’ leadership, became renowned for their educational institutions, missionary work, and intellectual contributions. Saint Ignatius is venerated as a patron saint of soldiers, educators, and retreats. His feast day is celebrated on July 31st, and he is remembered for his profound spiritual insights, dedication to God’s glory, and his tireless efforts to advance the Kingdom of God.


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