St. Vincent Ferrer

St. Vincent Ferrer, OP (23 January 1350 – 5 April 1419) was a Valencian Dominican friar and preacher, who gained acclaim as a missionary and a logician. For twenty-one years he was said to have traveled to England, Scotland, Ireland, Aragon, Castile, France, Switzerland, and Italy, preaching the Gospel and converting many. He was a noted preacher. Though he himself was an intellectual, his preaching style has been described as “innovative in that it incorporated a popular tone and rhetorical directness into the (by then traditional) Scholastic, thematic sermon structure”. Vincent died on 5 April 1419 at Vannes in Brittany, at the age of 69, and was buried in Vannes Cathedral. He was canonized by Pope Calixtus III on 3 June 1455.


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